
Safety is our number one priority! Always be aware of your surroundings and be prepared in case of an emergency. We've outlined a few rules and principles that we uphold.

First Aid

Before every trip, we will conduct a safety briefing and survey. This is to identify persons who are capable of administering first-aid and to make everyone aware of the first aid kits we have available and where they can be found during our adventure. 

Water safety

At all times,

  • When operating a watercraft, you must wear a personal floatation device.
  • Water craft are enjoyable but they are to be operated with care, and safety in mind.
  • All operators of a boat which has an engine, must have their boater's license with them.
  • When taking a boat out, you must have a floating rope, a bailer, a flashlight and a whistle onboard. 
  • Tell someone where you are going and how long you plan to be gone for.

Fire safety

  • Keep fires under control by limiting their size
  • Keep a bucket full of water nearby
  • Do not leave fires unattended, extinguish when not in use